Sunday, September 18, 2011

Blog Post # 4

The benefits of pod-casting in the classroom.
Pod-casting is an effective way of interacting with students outside of the classroom. Podcasting allows some students who will not be able to make it to class due to illness to listen to their lectures that teacher can upload. I am new to pod-casting and found this article to be very informative. I will use the tip to make my pod cast as interesting and creative as I can. I will try to do my very best.

Judy Scharf What is a Podcast
The term "podcast" is a cross between "broadcast" and "ipod". It is very east to do and cost very little. That is a very good reason for doing a podcast very cost efficient. Students love to watch and hear other students and I think it is a great way to learn. I will make sure I spend enough time learning the material and how thing work before beginning my podcast. Allow plenty of time to complete the project is also another tip I will use.

1st graders create their own read along audio book.

This is a very neat article to read about how a class of 1st graders made their own podcast. This class read the book chapter by chapter recording themselves until complete. The class then played it back and listened to it following along with their fingers on paper. This is so amazing and shows how children love to learn and listen to their own voices. I really look forward recording my own podcast to experience what these first graders experienced. I know I will probably be re-recording myself several times before I get my voice "just" right just as they did.


  1. Hi Holly, I am also new to podcasts. I found the articles this week to be very informative. I think that the video on the benefits of podcasting had some really good arguments as to why teachers should use podcasts in their classrooms. Like you, I will try as a teacher to find ways to incorporate podcasting into my class.


    "It is very east to do and cost very little. That is a very good reason for doing a podcast very cost efficient. Students love to watch and hear other students and I think it is a great way to learn. I will make sure I spend enough time learning the material and how thing work before beginning my podcast. Allow plenty of time to complete the project is also another tip I will use."

    easy not east
    costs very little not cost very little
    Next sentence does not make any sense: "That is a very good reason for doing a podcast very cost efficient."
    how things work not how thing work
    Rewrite last sentence or put tip in italics or quotation marks. It is awkward as written.

    I hope these assignments helped in your preparation for your podcast.
