Saturday, November 12, 2011

Blog Post #12

peer helpers
For this assignment I would like you to find and contact a former EDM310 student using the Student Link on the right hand side of the blog page. Try to contact them through email, Facebook, or twitter and set up a time where you could interview them. The interview can be done Skype, over the phone, or in person. I would like you to ask them about their experiences in EDM310, what is the most important thing they took from the class and have they used any of the ideas they learned in EDM310 in their Education journey. I would like the interview to be 5-7 min long. I also want you thoughts at the end. It is very important you interact with other students, they can be your best sources for new information. Each one of us may see things in a different light and it is important to help each other. I am sure the former students would not mind at all helping out.


  1. Great idea!! I think it would be most beneficial if the EDM alumni is already teaching in their own classroom, or at least in student teaching.

  2. Oh and you were supposed to do your own assignment!
